Aid for Tornado Victims in South Moravia in 2021

We provided immediate aid to people in South Moravia affected by the devastating tornado in June 2021.

We joined forces with other nonprofit organizations and helped establish a consortium aimed at efficiently distributing immediate aid to people in the affected region. Thanks to this first‑of‑its‑kind collaboration between field‑based relief organizations, private donors, and foundations, support was distributed quickly, effectively, and in a coordinated manner.

Immediately after the event, we sent 150 million CZK to the Hodonín region, with 50 million CZK allocated to household assistance and 100 million CZK for the reconstruction of the destroyed Bažantnice area in Hodonín. The restoration of this part of the town became a major project of the foundation under the name 'Bažantnice Lives!'

I dare say that the Bažantnice Lives project is somewhat different. Not only because my husband and I have close personal ties to Hodonín, but mainly because of the devastation, misfortune, and human tragedy that preceded this meeting. Unfortunately, it happened, and we cannot change that, but what we can change is bringing life back to the affected areas, leaving a legacy for future generations, and teaching them how to continue the tradition of social responsibility.

Štěpánka Komárková

KKFF Founder

We have a strong connection to Hodonín and its surroundings because the town is the birthplace and the site of our founder's early business ventures. We appreciate the commitment of nonprofit organizations and foundations to cooperate immediately after the tornado has continued in the themes of this research. Personally, I believe that its results could be potentially useful in similarly challenging situations in the future.

Luboš Veselý

KKFF Director

I was intrigued by the theme of human solidarity, which surged immediately after the disaster. It was important for me to document personal stories and report on what happened right afterward – how incredibly people from all over the country responded. I was also impressed by the way nonprofit organizations that began helping people the very next day after the tornado, and how they collaborated with each other.

Jana Počtová

Director of the documentary film Tornado: A Year Later


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