Transformations of Gardens

We transform school gardens into stimulating environments where children can freely develop and strengthen their connection to the surrounding world.

We helped transform our first school garden back in 2010. Over the next 14 years, we pursued a clear goal: to create beautiful spaces for children’s spontaneous outdoor activities. In total, we have transformed 22 school gardens. However, we gradually realized that we wanted to do more. Transforming gardens alone is not enough. What also matters is the role of teachers working in these gardens and how they can be used for high‑quality education. For us, a garden is not just a place where children can move and play. A garden is also a classroom! It is a space for discovery, interactive learning, and child development in direct contact with nature.


How does our idea work

  1. We collaborate with school authorities
    We work closely with representatives of the Prague 6 district and the Hradec Králové city council. We share conceptual approaches when working with gardens, so that they become inspiring educational spaces rather than mere storage areas for playground equipment.
  2. We support educators
    We train both current and future teachers on how to make full use of gardens in their teaching. We actively collaborate with education faculties at universities in the Czech Republic and draw inspiration from international best practices.
  3. We build a network of preschools
    The gardens we have helped restore have immense potential. We use them as hubs for exchanging experiences and sharing best practices.
  4. We create educational centers
    Progressive preschools are transformed into educational centers to promote our core idea: "A garden is also a classroom!"
  5. We develop a working group
    A multidisciplinary working group helps us map out and popularize our concept. With its support, we aim to remove legislative, methodological, and practical barriers that prevent people from fully utilizing the potential of school gardens.


Our garden transformations

We have 22 restored gardens that serve as examples of best practices and places for experience exchange. From the progressive preschools (MŠ Soběslav, MŠ Mnichovice, and MŠ Telecí), we have created educational centers that continue to spread our philosophy.

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